Tolkien’s Toponyms in the Original and the Croatian translation Glossary
Autorice: Danijela Huljenić i Željka Macan

E-izdanje:Tolkien’s Toponyms in the Original and the Croatian translation Glossary

The glossary of toponyms from Tolkien’s trilogy represents the basis of the analysis presented in:

Huljenić, Danijela; Macan, Željka. 2023. “Tolkien’s Toponyms in the Original and the Croatian translation”. In Meaning in Language – from Individual to Collective, ed. Matešić, Mihaela; Memišević, Anita. Berlin: Peter Lang. 105–122.

A total of 383 toponyms have been excerpted from Tolkien’s trilogy, which form the basis of this research. The glossary shows the toponyms in a tabular form as they are confirmed in the original and Croatian translation.

Godina izdanja: 2023.
ISBN 978-953-361-103-7