EuJAP objavljuje članke iz područja filozofije i to iz etike, meta-etike, praktične etike, epistemologije, ontologije, filozofije jezika, filozofije logike, filozofije znanosti, filozofije matematike, filozofije biologije, filozofije uma i filozofije psihologije. Radovi iz povijesti filozofije dobrodošli su ukoliko relevantni u filozofskom kontekstu.

Časopis objavljuje izvorne znanstvene radove.

Tekstovi se objavljuju na engleskom.

Časopis izlazi od 2005. godine, dva puta godišnje.

Radovi koji prođu početnu evaluaciju uredničkog odbora dalje prolaze kroz dvostruki slijepi recenzentski postupak. U pravilu, za svaki članak traži se mišljenje barem dva recenzenta.

Članci objavljeni u EuJAP-u su indeksirani u sljedećim bazama: CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), The Philosopher’s Index, ERIH PLUS, Dimensions, PhilPapers, Scopus, Scimago, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index) i Portal znanstvenih časopisa (HRČAK).

Pristup člancima EuJAP-a je otvoren te se njima može pristupiti putem sljedeće poveznice:



EuJAP is open to a broad spectrum of issues and viewpoints ranging from ethics, meta-ethics, applied ethics, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of biology, philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology and philosophy of action. In particular, this journal aims at providing a forum for philosophical exchange among philosophers from diverse fields within the analytic tradition broadly conceived. Articles in history of philosophy are welcome provided that they have relevance for current philosophical debates.

The editor seeks advice from a large number of expert referees, including members of the network of Editorial Board and its international advisers.

The papers that pass the initial evaluation of the editorial board, undergo a double-blind peer review process. Typically, at least two reviewers are sought for each article to provide their opinions.

EuJAP is published in English twice a year, in printed, as well as in electronic version.

The articles published in the European Journal of Analytic Philosophy are indexed in CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), The Philosopher’s Index, ERIH PLUS, Dimensions, PhilPapers, Scopus, Scimago, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), and Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia (HRČAK).

EuJAP is open access, and the articles can be viewed on the following link:
